Monday, May 18, 2009

Penang needs an economic plan, not tigers

MARCH 27 ?I am amused by the tiger talk in Penang. In actual fact, internet provider need a forwarding-looking and well thought-out economic plan and not tigers. The premise of having a tiger park is to attract more tourists. Tourism is touted as the next big thing in Penang. Hence, it is clear that the state government was not really that fond of tigers but wanted to streamyx access the strong appeal of the animal to enhance tourism.

If this is the case, do we really need the tigers to rake in more tourism dollars? So far, the socio-economic development plans announced by the state are piecemeal at best. It has started a fund to eliminate hardcore poverty. This is a good initiative. But the fund is bound to run out in the near future if the money collected is only used to supplement the income of the hardcore poor.

What is an kuala lampur malaysia address?

A string of numbers assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider whenever you connect online.

Can I be traced through my IP address?

Your IP address reveals only the location and name of your ISP. Your ISP itself may have records of your computer using their service at such and such a time, but an ISP will usually not disclose this information without a search warrant / court order.

How long does an ISP keep logs of user IP addresses?

No one knows, but it could be anywhere from months to a few years. This is necessary to monitor bandwidth usage.

Someone online has threatened they can find me through my IP address. Can they do this?

Most likely they're bluffing. Unless you run your own server or live in the same building as your ISP's office, a stranger can't find you using just your IP address.

Can someone find out my username or password based in my IP address?

No. Your ISP is the only one that knows these details.

Do my emails display my IP address?

Yes. To send email anonymously, you'll want to use an anonymous remailer or an anonymous proxy.

What is a kl plaza server?

A broadband promotions party server used as a go-between by a client computer that doesn't want to connect directly to the Internet.

Can a proxy server give me internet privacy?

Not if it's just a proxy server. A mere proxy server will announce to cyberspace that it's acting as a proxy for such and such IP address user (your computer), so you can still be traced through it.

What type of proxy server should I use to be able to surf anonymously?

You need an anonymous proxy server that's secure, reputable and reliable. You will most likely have to pay a fee.

How can an anonymous proxy server protect me?

Mainly by hiding your real IP address and blocking malicious scripts and programs from entering your system. You may get a different IP address each time you use the proxy. Additionally, some anonymous proxies claim they can't disclose your data even if subpoenaed (court ordered) since they don't store user logs.

How much does it cost to get an anonymous proxy server?

Could be $19.95, or $29.95 or $99.95. It all depends on the server and the service features. Go check out the anonymous proxy server's website and compare their product services.

Are free proxy servers safe to use?

Not if you're serious about your security and privacy. Many free proxies are either incorrectly set up, or owned by malicious people who want to use your data for their own ends. Beware of using free proxies and anonymous proxy servers that don't allow secure connections. And no matter what server you use, always encrypt private data.

Peter Garant has written many articles about Proxy Websites for a recently launched website about Proxy networks.

Easy Internet Marketing Strategies!

Internet marketing has been a hot-button topic for the past two free internet speed test and when advertising products online, it streamyx combo a reliable strategy tm streamyx com get broadband & streamyx business name noticed to produce customers. Individuals who view your website are called visitors, and as people view your information, they either become paying customers or they move on to view something else. broadband connections are all kinds of products and services that you can sell on the internet, and finding the best solution to market them is fairly easy if you are willing to test different techniques to see what internet research jobs work properly for you.

The first thing a person who is interested in internet marketing should do is pick a product that they can be passionate about. To be successful, you should strive to promote products and services that you believe in, providing you with the motivation necessary to reach as many people as you need to accomplish your goals. There are hundreds of thousands of products and services available online that you can sell, from health and wellness, to technology, and even digital products that you do not have to store to sell. Your efforts should be spent on a product that you care about.

The second part of your plan for an easy internet marketing strategy will be to showcase that product on a website so that you can easily send potential customers to your website for them to view information on your product and make a purchase. You can choose to make a simple website of your own, or hire someone to develop a website for you. Building a website yourself has gotten more and more simple by not requiring you to know any complex codes and providing you with tm net to use that are already made. When hiring a web developer, it is important to shop around and get the best quote for the service that fits your budget. A web developer will discuss your needs with you and ensure that the website reflects the way you feel about your product.

The third strategy to making your internet marketing easy is to research advertising methods to help you promote your website and your product. There are plenty of excellent methods that you can use to advertise your website while showcasing yourself as an expert on the product you are promoting. You can buy banner streamyx log in and pay-per-click advertising, you can spend time posting ads on free advertising classifieds, and you can build links and create a blog to help your information stay current as just a few examples. Have fun implementing your easy internet marketing strategies! is a source of expert content in the form of short, informative and educational or entertaining articles. We provide experts in hundreds of different niches from around the world. Thousands of new articles are added every month.Uma Ilango is a programmer from profession. Has lots of interest in non-technical writing internet broadband in She has written articles in several topics. Her hobbies include reading, surfing, writing and playing chess. She writes regulary at

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